Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Teaching is FUN

Ok, so in the last few days, the kids have become accustomed to me and my rules. More importantly, I see them responding more than they ever have. I'm so excited.

Additionally....I've made a decision. My degree is in Accounting/Economics. I got burned out on the business world several years ago, so was teaching part time so I'd have some "free time". I have applied to an alternative certification program; sent my transcripts in; starting to study for the TeXes test....on my way to being a "real" teacher :) YIPPEE!!!!


  1. And giving up your free time? I'm impressed. Good for you.

  2. Good Luck!!!

    Its always nice to discover what one wants to do instead of wondering around in the dark forever.

    Miss Em
    Austell, Ga.

  3. Well, good for you! You should always follow your dreams.

  4. We need good teachers!! Good luck to you!!

  5. Well if this teaching gig means you apparently won't have time to blog now - well, I don't approve.


  6. HA! Clewy, I'll be blogging when I get a chance to catch a breath. I sit in class and think of things about which I need to write, but right now I'm so tired from teaching 7th grade reading, I can hardly stay awake to study.
